Veronica Mars is the Best Detective! |
Veronica Mars is such an amazing detective because she is smart and brave and she never gives up. She thinks about ALL of
the pieces of evidence before she makes her decision about what to do.
Thinking like Veronica and looking at all of the results of my experiment, I agree with the FBI. The FBI said that they
let their investigators decide what blood detection sprays to use. From my research, I know that Bluestar and Luminol ALWAYS
glow when they are sprayed on latent blood. This makes them both effective blood detectors.
I would suggest to use Bluestar when it is daytime. If you use Luminol during the day, you have to cover up all of the
windows, which takes a lot of time. You can see the glow of Bluestar in the light, which makes it the best daytime choice.
Bluestar is also better to use when there is a big crime scene to spray because it lasts for 4 hours, and Luminol only lasts
for 30 minutes. Luminol is good to use when it is at night because police won't have to take the time to cover windows.
Because Bluestar is a secret formula, you have to buy it from the Bluestar company, which makes it more expensive. The crime
lab I visited makes their own Luminol, which makes it a lot cheaper to use. Luminol would be a good choice for police departments
that don't have enough money to buy Bluestar. Luminol is also good to use when you are spraying an area that you think will
have really small amounts of latent blood.